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Sedum dasyphyllum

Sedum Dasyphyllum Stonecrop Succulent

Sedum dasyphyllum

Sedum dasyphyllum

Corsican Stonecrop, Stonerop Succulent

Sedum Dasyphyllum, another name is sedum burnatii. Its famous name is Sedum

People will love this succulent and be willing to buy the plant in all areas.

Common name: Its common name is Corsican


Family: It came from Crassulacose

Origin:mostly from European

Countries in temperature north and south


Generally, it is a Corsican stonecrop. We see sedum dasyphyllum is a large mound farming plant with many horizontal branching stems to opposite rarely overlapping. A small perennial ground cover that can grow up to about 5 Inches tall has blue-green leaves that may turn purple in full to partial sun. Partially sunshade requires it and waters it once in a week and frost conditions 30 to 40 F.

Sedum dasyphyllum Common Care and Propagation

Grow and Care for Sedum Dasyphyllum

While growing Sedum, plants should need care while growing .they will adjust to any environmental requirements and sustain their ability areas. Too much watering and sunshade should not be fallen .and kept under the warm weather conditions, and it needs a little water to grow mound type of leaves .it will spread around its area.

A common name for Sedum is known as stonecrop. Sedum can be grown everywhere, generally on the sedum plant. The stems touch the ground that new plants grow automatically from it root it my own, it grows in shorter varieties of laying the plant on the floor. You should break the stem off for taller Sedum, place it in the soil, and cover the branch with mud; the stem usually grows and forms its roots, and the plant overgrows.

Also read: How to grow succulent from cutting

Sedum dasyphyllous in Indoor

Sedum feels happy indoor. People like to keep it Indoor because it looks beautiful. Every succulent needs both shadow and sunlight. Sedum is an attractive plant to place indoors.

Kids will play a lot with this plant. Women will maintain this because the plant needs less maintenance and is easy to care for the succulent. Sensitive and beautiful succulent and grows well. However, we should observe whether it is infected or not frequently. Then it does not spoil.

Sedum dasyphyllum Propagation

Corsican Stonecrop, know as sedum dasyphyllum can propagate by cutting the stem manually. It grows fatly and efficiently by the procedure. The stem grows up ultimately; it spreads out from the soil. The typical amount of water needs to pour into the plant. Generally, it is non-toxic. It is a summer dormant plant, not cold, hardy, and its propagation can do by cutting the stem Plant grows up to 5 inches(12.7cm) tall plant grows up to 12inches(30.5cm)wide.

Automatically it grows a new plant and lives longer without any care. It is genuine among all plants.

How to Repot Sedum dasyphyllum

Re-pot is necessary for every succulent. A gardener always observes the plant and re-pots it to grow well. First, he removes the plant from the pot and cleans well, then sprays the insect killer. Afterwards, he will place it in a new bank.

Sedum dasyphyllum in Outdoors

Sedum enjoys an open area. It feels free outside because succulent wants fresh air. The succulent will keep under shadow for some time and under sunlight because it cannot bear direct sunlight and cannot bear too cool weather. Therefore, a gardener will move the plant to both temperatures.

Sedum lives both indoor and outdoor. A plant man loves this plant because it has low maintenance and long life. Sedum feels free in all climates and enjoys a lot. The succulent becomes favourable to everyone. It looks beautiful and looks like a grapefruit. Easy to bring everywhere and will place in a pot. Anyhow, Sedum will get good compliments on comparing to other succulents.

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Pradeep works as a gardener since 2015; currently, he worked as a blogger at He loves to write about succulents and many other unusual plant care and propagation tips.