Senecio Serpens​ Blue Chalksticks
Senecio Serpens​ Blue Chalksticks

Senecio serpens

Blue Chalksticks "Curio repens"

The Senecio serpens, more commonly known as the blue chalkstick plant, is a beautiful succulent that originates from South Africa. It gets its name from its blue-green leaves that resemble pieces of chalk.

The blue chalksticks plant is a member of the Asteraceae family and is closely related to the daisy. This plant is relatively easy to care for and can be propagated easily from stem cuttings.

It is well-known that Senecio serpens is a beautiful succulent that originates from the southern part of Africa. It gets its name from its blue-green leaves that resemble pieces of chalk.

The Senecio serpens is a member of the Asteraceae family and is closely related to the daisy. This plant is relatively easy to care for and can be propagated easily from stem cuttings.

Quick Information:

  1. This succulent should be planted in full sunshine and has typical water needs.
  2. It can reach a height of up to 36 inches (30 cm to 91 cm) and grow up to 36 inches wide (61 cm to 91 cm).
  3. It is suitable for Zone 9a, where the minimum temperature is 20°F (or -6°C ).
  4. Unfortunately, it isn’t cold hardy.
  5. You can propagate it from seeds or cuttings.
  6. It can be toxic to both pets and humans.
  7. It will go into summer dormancy.

How to Care for Senecio serpens “Blue Chalksticks”

To care for your “Blue Chalksticks,” water them regularly and make sure they are in a well-lit location. They are a succulent, so they do not need much water. Between waterings, you should allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again.

The plants are not frost tolerant, so it is strongly advised that you keep them indoors or in a greenhouse during the winter months. Fertilize your “Blue Chalksticks” every two weeks during the growing season with a succulent plant fertilizer.

How to propagate Senecio serpens “Blue Chalksticks”

To propagate your own “Blue Chalksticks”, take a 4-6 inch cutting from a healthy plant. Remove the bottom leaves, leaving only 2-3 at the top of the cutting. Make sure the cut end of the stem is covered with rooting hormone powder or gel before dipping it into soil. Plant the cutting in well-draining cactus or succulent potting mix.

Water lightly and place in a bright, warm location out of direct sunlight. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, and in 4-6 weeks your cutting should have rooted and begun to grow.

Physical Characteristics of the Senecio Serpens

The physical characteristics of the Senecio Serpens are quite interesting. The plant is a succulent, which means that it has thick, fleshy leaves that store water. The leaves are a beautiful blue-green color and are arranged in a spiral pattern on the stem.

The stem itself is thin and delicate, making the plant look almost like a piece of art. The Senecio Serpens is not a very big plant, only growing to be about 12 inches tall. However, it can spread out to be about 24 inches wide. This plant is native to South Africa and can be found in the wild, growing in rocky areas or on cliffs.

Senecio Serpens in its Natural Habitat

The Senecio serpens is a succulent that is native to South Africa. It grows in the dry, rocky areas of the country and is often found clinging to cliffs. The plant gets its common name, “blue chalksticks,” from its blue-grey leaves that are covered in a powdery substance.

The leaves are arranged in a rosette pattern and can grow up to 12 inches long. The flowers of the Senecio serpens are small and yellow and appear in the summertime.

The Senecio Serpens and its Interaction with Humans

The Senecio serpens, or blue chalksticks, is a beautiful succulent that is often used as a decoration in homes and gardens. The plant is native to South Africa and has been introduced to many other parts of the world, including the United States.

The Senecio serpens is not known to be poisonous to humans or animals, but it can cause skin irritation if handled without gloves.


The Senecio serpens plant comes in a range of colors, and it is a beautiful and unique plant that is excellent for gardens that would like to have an additional touch of blue to them.

This plant is easy to care for and can be propagated easily, making it a great choice for beginners. The Senecio serpens is a hardy plant that will thrive in most conditions, making it a great addition to any garden.

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