Crassula Red Pagoda Shark Tooth Succulent Plant Care

"Shark Tooth Crassula"
Hi, guys; welcome to my blog, Succulents Greener. I hope you guys are OK and safe. Today’s blog discusses another beautiful Crassula variety called the crassula red pagoda succulent; now, this is a lovely succulent. It could be in better condition again because all of these guys were scattered around in my garden.
Common Name: Crassula Red Pagoda, Red Pagoda Succulent, Red Pagoda Shark Tooth
Origin: South Africa
Introducing Red Pagoda Shark Tooth Succulent
I had to pick them up one by one and add them to this pot. So, you can see a lot of burns and a lot of uneven leaves. Now that I have started giving it a good amount of light, it’s starting to get into its form. Red pagoda succulent is how it usually tends to look very soon, probably another two to three months. They should be set entirely in this spot and starting to take shape.
You can see this is how they tend to look like earlier; they were all stretched, but now they are slowly getting into their form, and I’m pretty excited about it; very soon it’s going to get into its dormant period because crassula’s go dormant during the summers.
Winter is their growing period, so the colors are going to get even more intense because it’s getting into its dormant period. But I’m happy that now it is getting a good amount of direct morning sunlight for five to six hours. You can see it is now starting to get very compact. Now the name says it’s a red pagoda, but it looks more on the purple side; that’s what I feel, but they probably look redder when they get a good amount of light.
Starting indoor Gardening with Red Pagoda Succulent
You can see it’s a gorgeous succulent. It will start getting it will start growing vertically, and it is going to have this pattern-like leaves very easy to grow succulents. If you are a beginner, remember we have spoken about another crassula which is slightly medium to difficult level, but this is completely easy to grow succulent.
Crassula Red Pagoda Temperature Needs
If you are a beginner, if you are starting with succulents, please don’t be worried; go with this variety; it’s effortless to take care it can handle slightly higher temperatures as well. It can even handle up to 10 degrees as well. Still, it will not be able to handle freezing temperatures. It is not a frost-hardy succulent that belongs to the South African region. I’m not sure exactly which part of South Africa, but they are native to southern Africa.

Crassula Red Pagoda Shark Tooth Soil Needs
You need to have very loose and porous soil. Do not overwater succulents; ensure that the soil is well draining, and the soil should dry out before you water it again. Let the soil dry out completely, and then go ahead and do a complete watering. Now over here, I’ll show you the picture; first, I’m going to show you the picture of how the succulents tend to look like; so, this is the succulent that I found lying around in my garden while shifting all the succulents weremisplaced, and then I had to collect a lot of the succulents, so this is how the succulents looked like when I found them and then I repotted the succulents, which is how it looks right now.

You can see it’s beautiful; it is recovering a lot of damage on the lower leaves, but the new leaves are coming out much fresh, and the best part that I like about the succulent is it is putting out a lot of new pups as you can see a lot of new pups it is recovering.
I have been taking good care of it, so it is doing absolutely fantastic now.
Water Requirements for Red Pagoda Succulent
The way I tend to water this is whenever I tend to see that the soil is completely bone dry, I do a thorough watering with the help of this watering bottle because I do not want to splash water on the leaves.
If you’re going to water, if you’re going to splash water on the leaves, this is how it’s going to turn like it’s going to look like it’s burnt because we keep, we tend to keep the succulent and out and morning direct sunlight for five to six hours. If the water stays on the leaves, it will rot, or it’s gonna have marks on the succulent, and when there are water droplets left behind on the leaves, and if the sun is extreme, it will also tend to burn the succulent leaves.
So, with the help of this bottle, because it has a long nozzle, it reaches directly into the soil, and you can very safely water your succulents without dropping any water on the succulent leaves, as you can see.

Now I’m not going to water it entirely because it’s going to wet the table, but this is how you do a thorough watering until the water starts passing through the drain hole. Now the succulent will revive enough water, so I’m pretty happy it will probably take another two to three months to get into its form completely.
Crassula Red Pagoda Succulent Common Care
This succulent can also be kept in indirect bright light, but the colors will be moderate. You can grow it in indirect bright light and even grow it under grow lights; ensure that your grow light is good quality then it will do excellent. The leaves will be very compact if it doesn’t receive a lot of light; the succulent will start to stretch, as you can see in the picture.

It was stretching, which is why it did not have a lot of compact leaves, but now it has started receiving a good amount of light. You can see the leaves are more compact; there is no space between the leaves, which indicates that the succulent is extremely happy. With the light it is getting, mealybugs are not much of an issue, but yes, they get affected by scale insects.
I have already published a blog on how to get rid of mealybugs & scale insects; You can check it out.
Remember Your Last Watering
Apart from that, it’s fairly easy to grow succulents; ensure that the soil is loose porous, and well-draining water only when the soil is completely bone dry. As you can see over here, I said I’m not going to water my ‘Red Pagoda Succulent’ thoroughly, but I think I already watered it, and the water has started to pass through the drain holes, which means that it has been thoroughly watered.
Sunlight Needs for Red Pagoda Shark Tooth
Talking about light, give it a good amount of light for five to six hours; morning, direct sunlight is preferred so that you can keep it until the afternoon. Using some filtration, probably a shade cloth, you can also keep it in the afternoon sunlight. Do not keep it directly under afternoon sunlight; otherwise, the leaves will get burnt but yes, when it gets completely acclimated.
We Suggest Crassula Red Pagoda to Every Succulent Lover
Let’s say you have had the succulent for over three to four years. Then, you can slowly acclimate and put it out in direct afternoon sunlight, provided the temperatures don’t rise above 40 degrees Celsius. So, it’s a very easy-to-grow succulent. If you are a beginner, another crassula can be tricky, but this is an easy-to-grow succulent. You can add to your collection; it tends to grow really fast; during this growing period, it tends to put out multiple pumps, as you can see in this as well.

Red Pagoda Propagation
There are various pups; once they reach a decent size, you can separate them from the mother plant. You can do stem cutting and even leaf propagation with these varieties. It’s straightforward to grow and easy to propagate, so if you are a beginner, add it to your collection.
So, guys, this blog was helpful; if it was, please hit the like button; if you’re new to my blog, please consider subscribing to it; until then, take care, stay safe and keep propagating Crassula Red Pagoda Shark Tooth.